Challenges to Outdoor Filming and How to Overcome Them

The sun is bright, the birds are singing, and there’s a nice breeze to keep you cool on the hot summer day. It might be a beautiful day to you but it probably won’t appear that way to your camera and the shoot you’re about to take. The bright sun results in harsh and unflattering […]

5 Ways To Step Up Your Documentary Filmmaking

Documentaries are always more work than you’d think when you are first starting. You can’t just grab a camera and start filming aspects of real life and think that makes a documentary – that’s a home video. With the help of these tips, you’ll be able to turn your documentary from just “okay” into a […]

Q&A With Mathieu Le Lay

What first inspired you to go into filmmaking? I remember watching many movies as a young teenager. While watching the movies, I was sometimes very moved by the storytelling and by the emotions. I got my first video camera DV when I was 17. I took my camera and filmed my Holidays and my time […]