Held during the Wasatch Mountain Film Festival, the Adventure Filmmaker Workshop is an inclusive program for both aspiring and established filmmakers to learn from world-class storytellers in a small-group setting. This two-day event helps participants hone their skills, connect with industry experts, and gain valuable insights on building a successful filmmaking career.
The Adventure Filmmaker Workshop is your chance to take your filmmaking skills and career to the next level, whether you're a seasoned independent filmmaker or just starting your filmmaking journey. The Wasatch Film Festival hosts a talented lineup of successful filmmakers to teach this jam-packed two-day event. With two distinct learning tracks and a variety of breakout sessions, participants will develop their filmmaking skills, learn all about the business side of the industry, and build connections with fellow filmmakers and industry leaders.
Introductory: For those either just starting their careers or considering getting into adventure filmmaking, this is your group. This track will introduce you to the fundamentals of adventure filmmaking and set you up with programming that many of the most established outdoor filmmakers wish they had been taught from the start.
For experienced filmmakers looking to expand their skills and network with other established filmmakers, this track will help you take your work and business to the next level. We'll have industry veterans teaching small-group courses designed for those already working in the space.
Advanced + Festival Pass:
For those who want to elevate their filmmaking skills while also getting the full Wasatch Mountain Film Festival experience. This pass includes the advanced Filmmaker Workshop Track along with a Standard Festival Pass and 30 Day virtual access to all films.
We’ve designed this program in collaboration with established filmmakers to craft an experience that enables participants of all backgrounds and experience levels to advance their filmmaking careers.
Each day will start with a general session to encourage connection across tracks and skill levels, followed by elective breakout sessions that dive into specific topics that align with your skillset and personal filmmaking goals.
The 2024 Wasatch Mountain Film Festival is screening 40+ films from filmmakers around the globe. Stream online or join us in person.