Q&A: Mikel Sarasola

Q&A: Mikel Sarasola

Mikel Sarasola directed 2021 WMFF feature “The Tears of Shiva.” We asked him a few questions, see our Q&A conversation below:

What is in your gear bag/kit?

I always carry my gear inside my kayak during the expeditions, so I really need to be able to move light and that everything fits in the kayak. Watershed drybag with a Lumix GH5, 2 x GoPro 7black, DJI Mavic Air drone are essentials on my kit

What item can you not live without?


A kayak to get for the places I want to reach

How do you choose music for your films?

I first think of the atmosphere I want to give to the whole film, then split it in parts and think of the feelings I need for each segment. After that I just need many ours of listening to music and trying the songs on this parts…

Most necessary character-quality for a director?

Good planning skills with tons of adapability to all filming issues

Who has been most influential in your directing career?


Olaf Obsommer, Rush Sturges, Sebastián Álvaro, Stephane Pion, Jimmy Chin, Sender Films…

Favorite on-set memory?

I remember forgetting a camera in the middle of nowhere in Patagonia and realize it the next day after a long boat cruise and a long car drive. I wasn’t even sure if I forgot the camera on that place but the next day I rented a car, then biked on very shitty trails and kept trail running for ours to reach that place. After a very long day I made it to that place and luckily the camera was there with all the footage!! Then had to start the way back…

Craziest on-set/en route to set adventure?

We made an expedition to Greenland, to explore some new areas for whitewater kayaking. What we found was a place out of this world. Some of the best rivers in the world, but the hardest plaes to get to. Boat cruises and many days of hiking were required for good kayaking.

More About Mikel Sarasola


Caminos de Agua (2014)
Humla (2016)
Una y ninguna más (2020)
The tears of Shiva (2020)

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